👻PAC Team

At launch, everybody will be able to mint a Common PAC for 100$ paid in $COIN. Players are required to use their XP to level up the PAC and unlock higher rewards. Only 15 PACs can stay in the same wallet.

Different rarities can stay in the same wallet and each rarity will give a Base Daily Payout. This amount is the basis on which total rewards can be calculated, depending on the following factors.

1. Nr of PAC in your team

2. Level of difficulty

3. Win or Loss

4. $ARC staked (if any)

Each rarity requires a certain level to evolve into the next, rarer one. The Base Daily Payout is the amount from which your real payout will be calculated depending on several factors that will be explained in the Rewards section. The estimated cost is an approximation of the amount to be spent to evolve the PAC to that rarity. The market will reflect the real value considering also the time needed to evolve, not only the economic value.

The following table illustrates the corresponding payouts, amount of energies available and recharge cost depending on the amount of PAC possessed. We use the Common as an example but the concept is similar for all rarities except for the Estimated Cost.

Example 1: I have 1 COMMON PAC, it will earn 5% daily of the cost of the PAC (5 $) if I use all the 8 energies. Rewards will be paid after each energy used. The cost to recharge the whole energy is 25% of Base Daily Payout (1.25$).

Example 2: I have 6 COMMON PAC, it will earn 5.15% daily of the cost of the PAC (5.15 $) if I use all the 9 energies. Rewards will be paid after each energy used. The cost to recharge the whole energy is 22% of Base Daily Payout (1.13$)

Example 3: I have 15 COMMON PAC, it will earn 6% daily of the cost of the PAC (6 $) if I use all the 12 energies. Rewards will be paid after each energy used. The cost to recharge the whole energy is 17% of Base Daily Payout (1.02$)

More PACs in the team yield higher rewards and cost less to use.

NB: Final payout will depend on actual performance! Can be higher or lower.

Last updated